Our mission is to provide
educational assistance to
women in the Greater
Rochester Area.
Our History
The Educational Loan Fund was established in 1954 by the Rochester Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) with a gift of $100. During the early years, the fund focused on granting small loans to college students who lived in Monroe County.
As the years passed, the amounts of the loans increased but remained modest. In 1974, the Rochester AAUW Branch placed the assets of the Loan Fund into a Trust that was separate from the AAUW. This Trust is administered by seven Trustees, who are responsible for reviewing and awarding grant and loan requests to women in the Greater Rochester area. These women must be enrolled in college or university programs or approved post-secondary programs leading to a certificate or license. The purpose of the grants and loans is solely to further the education of the grantee women.
Although the Fund is separate from the Rochester AAUW Branch, we have a close relationship with the branch and share a commitment to both champion and guide women and girls. The Trustees also oversee an investment fund, which is maintained at the Rochester Community Foundation.

If you’re interested in helping ROC EDU FUND reach our goals, please reach out to us at info@roceducfund.org.